Does using EAN-13 barcodes really have the power to increase your sales?


This sounds like another one of those cheap advertisements about how you can triple your revenue for free, doesn’t it?

However, the EAN-13 code can make your products gain more relevance, visibility and with that, you can increase the amount of sales of your enterprise. But before figuring out what you can do to increase your revenue using the EAN-13, do you know what the EAN-13 barcode is and what it’s for?

The universal code EAN (European Article Number) is a code formed by a series of vertical bars that can be scanned, hence the name bar code. Its structure is assembled based on some serial numbers of the code, which indicate the origin of the manufacturing country, the manufacturer’s data and the product’s verification code.

Basically, buy EAN barcodes online aims to register products individually, creating a single registration for each product produced and sold. If your company or online store wants to implement EAN-13 barcodes, you will need to find out why you should make this investment.

Sale on Amazon

Possibly you’ve heard about how registering products with the EAN-13 universal code is important for selling on marketplaces. How about selling at the largest online sales company in the world?

Registering products with EAN code can help you rank goods within the platform, make varied advertisements with similar models, and even earn your own buy box. As a feature of every marketplace, selling on Amazon can be beneficial to your business if you don’t have your own e-commerce.

Amazon will do all the advertising, content marketing and website traffic, while you’ll only care about quality advertising within its platform. Also use the strategy of organizing varied advertisements for your products. Thus, you will be able to reach more people and have more customers.

Use the globally used EAN-13 barcode

Another benefit for those wishing to purchase the EAN barcode India is that its use is standardized across virtually the entire world. But, you may be wondering, “If barcode scanners can interpret assorted codes like EAN-13 and UPC-12, why would using a standardized code in the world make my business easier?” Thinking about the technical side only, any scanner can interpret the data in different codes regardless of whatever code you are going to employ. However, the issue is more related to the legislation of each country and the bureaucratic rules imposed by those who sell the goods.

Sell ​​more with the EAN-13 code

Selling more using EAN-13 code may seem like just a catchphrase, but there are a few factors that make it true. First, products advertised with code have 60-90% more sales than products without codes. The reason this happens is that marketplaces and search engines will understand that your product has a valid and authentic code, as it is not repeating the same EAN code for several different products. The marketplaces algorithm works on a regular basis and, when analyzing a sales profile, it will always prioritize the one that is as complete as possible.

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