How we can survive heavy winters with the Layer system of clothing?


One of the biggest problems for Indian on their journey to places with severe climates, especially in cold conditions, is proper dressing. Dressing for cold spots can be a challenge, especially when it comes to playing sports, because we have no harsh winters.

In this article the doubts of dressing in cold spots are solved. The work of the layer framework and how to use it in each layer will be explained. You are primed for the next ice adventure in this way. Learn more to the temperatures below freezing!

Know the system of tier

The best way to guard against the cold, particularly when playing sports is through layers. During sports, the body temperature changes from a light trail to more work and water sports.

When the temperature of your body increases, you can begin to sweat if you’re dressed in a winter inner for men and heavy coat. You may want to remove your coat from that. But here comes the problem: you can get sick and you still need a jacket over your shoulder with just a light t-Shirt to shield you from the cold and the wind.

This issue is resolved by the layer scheme. Each layer has a specific function; pieces that are hard to fill or make a huge suitcase should not be used. When you heat up when you are physically working or increase the temperature in the environment, you can easily remove the layers. See what each one can use!

Layer One

The second skin is the popular first layer or base layer. This is the garment, not to mention the underwear, which is in contact with your body. Their objective is to keep their bodies safe. The body temperature increases during sports, as we have already commented. You start to sweat in order to maintain the perfect body temperature.

This first layer’s purpose is to avoid the interaction of sweat with the skin. To do that, it transfer the suddenness to the outside of the material and thus evaporates or passes to the second layer within the environment.

The difference in weight, the easier it is to move sweat are the different fabrics for different temperatures. Choose a lighter weight, when you sweat more with more extreme sports.

Layer two

The second or middle layer is used to maintain a steady body temperature. It is necessary that the transpiration from the first layer also reaches the outside layer to achieve this. The garments are kept dry and protected from cold conditions.

In order to pick the correct clothing, the sport to be performed must be considered. Nice choices are fleece or similar fabrics. They are light, respiratory and provide good thermal insulation even in wet conditions. The downside is their space, because it’s bulky.

Layer Three

Waterproof is the third and last sheet. Her duty is to keep wind, snow, and rain secure. This layer must be respiratory, such that suddenness and waterproofing occur simultaneously to prevent you from wetting up with rain, snow, and wind. Add a muffler for mens for extra protection from cold winds.

Pooja sharma

Pooja is a digital nomad and founder of HotMail Log. She travels the world while freelancing & blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.

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