Safe Travel With Medicines


Travelling is in the holiday list for everyone. As a kid, we would have memories where we would run to catch the night train to reach our vacation destination. That feeling when we get on the airplane for the first time to go to a new city. Our travel experience comes with emotions and commotions. The more the voyage, the more one needs to plan.

Going to an unknown city may sound exciting but make sure you learn about the essential laws of that place. Many of us would have to carry medicines for our travel. It could be for precautions or for treatment. Medicines which we use regularly could be banned or prohibited in some countries.

 Travel medical kit checklist

  • Make sure all the necessary medicines for your medical journey are clearly labeled and packed in their original covers or containers. Take the prescription along with the doctor’s contact information. The prescription and medicines you have should match. Or else it could result in problems in the verification stage.
  • If you are planning on a long stay, be sure to take along enough medications to last longer. The ‘over-the-counter’ medicines are mandatory in any expedition. There are a variety of pharma products for treating common problems like fever, pain, sleep disorders, and allergies. Medicines should be taken when it is required, overdosage or unwanted dosage can also lead to health problems.
  • It is absolutely necessary to bring along essential travel medicines for your medical journey. Motion sickness is prevalent in people traveling by cars, boats, buses, flights, and trains. But it does not mean that one should ‘say no’ to travel. Simply by being prepared, this issue can be mitigated. Cyclizine(Marezine) and Dimenhydrinate(Dramamine) are two common medications for motion sickness. Make sure you read the drug label. One of the side effects includes drowsiness.
  • Some countries which allow medicines might restrict their dosages. Changing the amount of medicine intake or switching to alternative medicine are the only ways to stay compliant. If you are planning to switch medicines make sure that you test it before the trip. This would give you enough buffer time to understand if any side effects are exhibited.
  • Finding countries or places to go where the medications you take are not restricted is the one way to continue optimal medicine intake. There is the flexibility to rethink your medical tourism destinations. The medical tourism company in India can help you figure out a place whereby you can avail your regular medicines and get excellent medical treatments.
  • Medical tourists should be conscious about their rejuvenating travel. Whenever visiting a country have the necessary travel rules and regulations at your fingertips. Be aware of the ingredients used in the medicines you intake. For example, the ingredient diphenhydramine is banned in Zambia. This is an active ingredient in Benadryl.

As the pharma and medical tourism industry is advancing so is the demand for the same. We can come across many individuals dependent on medicines to sustain their health. Awareness and information dissemination through the internet has enabled medical tourist to know about places providing revitalizing treatments. Always be assured that safety practices are followed when you carry medicines. This assures a safe and happy journey.

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