The Role of Microservices in Cloud Modernization


Microservices refer to the software architecture approach in which the extensive app is created as an independent and small services suite, which are known to communicate with one another over the APIs. Such an approach provides different benefits than the regular monolithic architecture, in which the whole app is created as an interconnected and single unit. A primary reason why people prefer to opt for microservices for app modernization is because they provide a suitable opportunity for business enterprises to deploy and create software efficiently and faster.

As the microservices are independent and smaller, it is possible to develop, test, and deploy them independently of one another. It indicates that you can make and deploy the changes without impacting the remaining parts of the app. Thus, it facilitates quicker deployment and development cycles. In this article, we are going to talk about the role of microservices in cloud modernization.

An increase in scalability

Scalability happens to be a primary aspect of microservices. In the monolithic app, a boost in user traffic impacts different aspects of the cloud native apps. If site visitors buy different products on the eCommerce website, the enhanced load will cause the whole app to crash down. It is due to the fact that the monolith share components share different server resources. Thus, the database, back-end, front-end, and different components get overloaded simultaneously.

On the other hand, in the microservices app, every service is equipped with dedicated resources. If there is an increase in traffic on the front-end site, the front-end services will make use of different resources. The database will not be impacted as it is executed as a different service with independent resources. Such improved scalability extends a helping hand in preventing outages, thereby ensuring that potential users are witnessing a positive experience.

Improved data security

A primary benefit of using microservices is that it provides a suitable opportunity for businesses to adopt a granular approach to data security. Such service allows the task to be hassle free. Thus, it becomes easy to implement different security measures at the specific service level. Such an approach is more secure than the data storage in a single monolithic database, which can be accessed by the whole app. Compliance with different regulations, is crucial to attaining success in the business world of today. Regulations like HIPAA and GDPR are known to exhibit different requirements about personal data handling. Microservices have become a suitable option in this area as they help to audit different processing activities.

Support and business agility for the DevOps

As the business organization thrives to be agile, they turn to microservices, thereby boosting the speed to market. The microservices app architecture provides support for software delivery, thereby providing an ideal option for developers working on the independent and smaller pieces of the app. Such pieces get tested and deployed faster without the need to impact the remaining parts of the app.

Quicker time to market

The use of microservices app architecture has become a suitable choice as it ensures quicker and hassle-free app development. The developers can change and create the microservice, after which they plug it into the architecture with reduced service outages and code conflict risks. Owing to the microservice independence, the teams do not need to lose the night’s sleep over the coding conflicts.

 Hence, they do not need to wait for the slower-moving projects before the app release. The microservices provide support for the CI/CD/CD development philosophy. It indicates that you will deploy the app microservices and update the product over time. It indicates that it will respond to different security threats, thereby adding the latest technologies.

Technology agnostic

During microservices-based app development, the developers will connect the microservices, which are programmed within the language. Besides this, they will connect different microservices that are executed on the platform. It provides enhanced flexibility to facilitate the technologies and programming languages that accommodate the project’s needs. As you become programming language agnostic, you will adopt the latest technologies.

A prominent reason to opt for technology-agnostic microservices is that developers make the right use of the tools, thereby boosting productivity. The technology-agnostic microservices provide flexibility in using the tools and languages for every project. You will be capable of enhancing business revenue by choosing the latest technologies and expending resources faster. You can write the microservices in different languages, thereby making it easier to integrate with different legacy systems.

Every service is known to be independent. Thus, the bug fixes and feature updates are known to be simple. You will be able to release the service in place of the complete app release. The development process is extremely agile, thereby decreasing the time to market. The microservices control data on their own. It does not share the same characteristics with different services. Thus, it will transform the database schema according to the needs without the need to impact different parts of the app.

Flexible technology options

Each microservice team creates code on its own through the use of appropriate tools, databases, and programming languages. Thus, they will be free to rewrite them through the use of various frameworks and languages. As the programmer is satisfied, there will be a boost in productivity.

CI/CD and automation

The nature of different microservices leads to different automation tools that allow the CI/CD pipeline. The laborious and tedious activities that are integral to the monolithic world get automated.

A primary benefit of microservices for data engineering with aws is that they improve modularity by breaking down the monolithic app into independent and smaller components. Thus, keeping the services focused small is crucial to making them manageable. Version control is crucial for the software development project. It is also crucial to work with different microservices. It is due to the fact that every service happens to have a unique codebase that needs separate management. CI/CD assures that the bugs are found and fixed faster. It is crucial for the microservices architecture, given the presence of different codebases.


Candice is the owner of website. Her creative ideas, passion and enthusiasm can be seen in her articles. Keep in touch with her for more interesting and helpful articles.......

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