How to have an Enriching Online Learning Experience: A Comprehensive Guide
The experience of sitting in front of a laptop or computer or tablet or phone and attending classes is a relatively newer experience for a lot of people. Online learning, especially in India, is a relatively newer model and style of learning for a lot of students. This new way of learning comes with its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. So, if you’re struggling to adjust to this new method of learning, it’ll be alright! This article will guide you on how you can make the most of your online education in India.
Tips To Have an Enriching Online Learning Experience
Now, when it comes to online classes, you’ve either signed up for a short duration online course or find yourself having to attend the classes scheduled by your educational institution, the following tips will help you experience the best online education in India:
· Take It Seriously
As simple as it sounds, you need to really get into the correct headspace to implement this tip. Think about how you’d take your education when you’d be going to college or university and attending the classes in person. You’d have human contact with your classmates and your educator. You probably wouldn’t think about walking around during class or texting or something else. This is because the physical environment would convince you to pay attention to your educator. This is the mindset you need to be in while you’re attending an online class. Keep that camera on so that there’s a sense of importance and accountability while you’re attending your classes.
· Don’t Give In To Distractions
This point is in the same vein as the first tip. To take your online classes seriously as you would for your in-person classroom learning, you have to keep any form of distraction away from you. If you’ve found yourself lying on your bed, scrolling through your phone, talking to your relatives or friends, taking a nap, and so forth, during online classes, it’ll be difficult for you to take the experience of online education in India seriously. So, keep your phone away from you or keep it in airplane mode or DND mode when you’re attending your classes. Try to take your class to a room where no one will come in and disturb you. These small changes can help you take your classes seriously.
· Participate During Class
If you have a tough time concentrating in your online class, the best way to keep yourself engaged is by asking questions to your educator. If you got distracted for a few seconds during class and you did not hear what the teacher said, ask them to repeat what they said! Clarify your doubts. Ask your questions. Participate in the discussions that happen during class. You’ll find yourself concentrating better.
· Scheduling Is Key
This is very important for accountability. Create a weekly or monthly or daily schedule of your online classes. If you know what is going to be taught in class, write that down in your schedule as well. Your schedule should also include the deadlines for the different assignments that you’re given in class. If you have to take assessments or have a major examination coming soon, include those things as well in your schedule.Apart from the aforementioned points, remember to also have a clean and organized study space. You can also use online software and apps to help you study and take notes during class and after class. These tips will help you have the bestonline education in India.