University of Phoenix Reviews: “Don’t Delay” says University of Phoenix Alumni Don Richards

University of Phoenix alumni Don Richards had grown so frustrated in his pursuit of a bachelor’s degree that it was unlikely he would ever finish. Richards works for a Fortune 500 company that relocated him every year or two. Just when he was making progress toward his degree, he would move and have to take a step backward since not all of his credits from the old school would transfer to the new school. He had done this three times when his company’s HR department suggested University of Phoenix.

Richards was taking advantage of his company’s tuition reimbursement plan, so the company had more than one reason to help him finish his degree. They explained that with University of Phoenix’s online classes, Richards could complete his degree at one school, no matter where he was living. Richards liked the plan and finished his degree in less than two years. He’s never looked back.

Richards needed his degree to be eligible to pursue new opportunities in his company, but he says he gained a lot more than just an opportunity to get a better job. Richards says being able to work on projects with students from all over the globe at University of Phoenix was very useful in his job at a multinational corporation. He also says that his classes have made him a better manager and helped him to compartmentalize, prioritize and communicate better.

His advice to anyone considering University of Phoenix online classes: “Don’t delay. I never would have gotten my degree if it hadn’t been for University of Phoenix.”

University of Phoenix offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees. These include Bachelor of Science degrees in business, management, accounting and communication as well as Master of Business Administration and Master of Management degrees. University of Phoenix has 22 campuses across the country for in-person learning and is available online to students worldwide. Details and a complete catalog are available at

More than one million students have earned degrees from University of Phoenix since the school was founded in 1976. She chose nursing as a career at a young age after nurses helped her deal with her fear when her father was going through cancer treatment. Seeing her father in a hospital bed surrounded by equipment was a scary thing, but the nurses took the time to explain it to her and knelt down to her level to make her feel included and less fearful. Today, Muir is a nursing supervisor in the hematology and oncology department at a major U.S. hospital. and his treatments left him hospitalized with lots of machines attached. It was a scary time for a young girl, but the nurses took the time to explain what was happening and talk to her at her level. They did a lot to help her to not be so afraid. Muir wanted to be able to do that for other families when she grew up.

University of Phoenix is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The University accepts all students who have earned a high school diploma, GED or equivalent.

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