How to Obtain Electric Certificates for Landlords


Electric certificates for landlords are among those’ must haves’ for anybody renting in England now. Unfortunately, though, they’re also a distant, if not an unnecessary requirement for anybody hoping for a decent Gas Safe accommodation in England today. In fact, there’s no real need for them anymore – at least until the end of next March when the government plans to scrap them altogether. Here’s why…

So why has the government decided to scrap the certificates? The reasons are simple. They don’t make much sense. First of all, the certificates are expensive to issue, and landlords pay for them through their annual property insurance premiums.

Secondly, Issuing Them Tends To Discriminate Against Prospective Tenants

Particularly those looking for affordable self-catering properties. Currently, if you want to rent a property in England, you need to be a resident there. If you’re from Northern Ireland, you only need to show evidence of your Irish citizenship or the equivalent. By contrast, landlords who don’t have Gas Safe buildings on their books will be able to claim their income from the current safety certificates for landlords as a kind of proof that they’re providing decent living conditions for their tenants.

Thirdly, the Legal Requirement to Demonstrate Proof of Age Is Currently Something of a Grey Area

It’s perfectly acceptable for prospective tenants to take an age-proof test, but landlords must supply their legal costs with this. It makes no sense for them to do this because it simply adds to their expenses and doesn’t benefit them in any way.

There is also another legal requirement that should be taken into account by landlords. This is to ensure that they correctly install gas and electric installations on their premises. The certificates are designed to help assess this, and landlords are responsible for ensuring that these installations are installed safely, without any safety risks. This can be a huge expense for landlords, and it could force them to pay out a large sum of money if a claim for compensation is subsequently awarded to a tenant

All Three of These Certificates Are Available For Download Online

They are typically provided by the local council as a part of their rent collection procedure for new tenants. However, many people don’t know about them, and some may be misled into thinking that they aren’t legally required to take them up. In actual fact, it’s highly important for landlords to make sure that all of their tenants take these things up, as well as taking out a copy of their rent agreement for references. Without the correct remedial works, the tenants could be in breach of their agreement, which could cause problems further down the line.

For example, a proper certificate shows that a company has conducted all of the necessary electrical testing, alongside obtaining the consent of the tenants. Without this, and without the necessary permission from the local council, the certificates will be invalid, and the landlord will not be allowed to do anything to rectify the situation. It’s highly important for landlords to make sure that they have the right type of certificate for their property, as otherwise, people could incorrectly take them for granted, seeing them as a legal requirement which they aren’t actually.

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To Help Avoid Any Issues with the Tenants In Future

It’s recommended that landlords always get the proper electrical installation certificates, as well as a fire alarm certificate for each room in the property. An electrician or electricians’ solicitor can provide these. It’s also possible to get a good deal on any electrical installations in your home through a good solicitor, so it’s worth inquiring about. Landlords should look to get themselves insured against any potential damage, so they can ensure that they don’t lose out on any money should a problem arise. Without getting any insurance, some people can end up having their possessions taken away due to landlords refusing to pay for the correct protection. There are a number of different types of protection available, so landlords should look into them to find the one which is best suited to their property.

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