Three Email Marketing Tools You Should be Using


Over the years, the perception of email marketing, at least amongst those not well-versed with marketing, has suffered. The general feel of emails seems too clunky and slow compared to the rapid content dissemination on social media platforms.

Like it or not, the general perception of email marketing has been a major cause of why even the smartest marketers have begun to think of it as an afterthought. There are very few marketers today who claim to be email marketers. Just go and search on LinkedIn or if you need validation. One is likely to find more social media marketers than email marketing target professionals.

This makes it all the more important for email marketing professionals in the mix. There is still enough data to suggest that email marketing as a technique is almost as effective, if not more, than social media. Furthermore, email marketing also has the added benefit of appealing to the target audience in a long-form content-driven approach, something missing on social media.

One way of working on email marketing is making use of the right tools. In this article, we discuss three email marketing tools that marketers can use and implement in their practice. The tools discussed in this article can be used free of cost.


Perhaps one of the most popular email marketing tools in the market, Omnisend is a well-known name amongst professionals in the field. With Omnisend, marketers can send 15,000 bulk emails to their recipient list in a month. The tool also gives multiple premium versions, each offering a higher set of features.

In the free version, email marketers are allowed to send 15,000 emails a day. There are also a library of other features in the free version such as a content editor to draft emails, functionality to add pop-ups, sign-up forms, and CTA formats.

For email marketers trying to learn their trade and get a hang of email marketing, Omnisend is a great tool to get started. It is one of the best ways for a marketer to learn the workings of email marketing before jumping into other more popular digital marketing techniques.


Tinyletter is a completely free email marketing tool that is primarily used by marketers to develop solid email newsletters.

Newsletters may now seem like an old concept, but many small and large brands rely on email newsletter some of the most important marketing objectives such as lead generation and sales. For someone starting out a new blog and looking for an increase in traffic, there’s nothing better than using email newsletters.


Benchmark is a very popular free email marketing tool. It is used primarily as a tool for creating common email campaigns featuring surveys. It is also used as an auto-responding service and a drag-and-drop editor.

Besides the aforementioned functionalities, Benchmark also allows users to send up to 14,000 emails per day.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers three free email marketing tools you can use to grow your business with email.

About the Author- Rajiv Nigam is a digital marketing expert with a track record of helping small businesses grow at a rapid pace. He currently works as a digital marketer at, an institute known for its best & advanced digital marketing training in Delhi.

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